Heating homes costs UK consumers £35B/yr and contributes 17% of national CO2 emissions. Fixing this requires energy efficiency and electrification at scale.
Vulcan is a professional tool to design low-energy, low-carbon homes. Vulcan uses the Home Energy Model for high precision and realistic impact estimation.
We're a UK based team, passionate about improving buildings and experienced in product development and building physics.
Want to join us? Email hello@usevulcan.app with your CV
Product and Data Analytics leader. Home electrification specialist at Boston Consulting Group and qualified Domestic Energy Assessor. LBS MBA, LLB (Hons), BA (Econs).
Building Technology Lead
Chartered Building Physics Engineer at Mott MacDonald & Chapmanbdsp. Dynamic and parametric energy modelling expertise. UCL MSc (Digital Buildings), BEng (Building Services).
Software Engineering Lead
Full-stack software engineer. Operations and People leader at Amazon, Entia, Eva Health and Google Manager at KPMG . LBS MBA, Bristol BSc (Economics and Politics).